notes for 20 minutes presentation at Chemical Heritage Society, May 27, 2016

What tools are available for digital history work? Are there barriers to bringing those tools into work in the history of STEMM?  How do we take methodologies that Jevin discussed this AM, which work on citation analysis or co-PI relationships to detect community, and use them on something like an oral history transcript or a less structured data set.  How do we grapple with fact that even as digital databases make work more accessible, people’s citation practices have narrowed.  How do community relationships explain why people cite who they cite, how can acknowledgements or mentions in text help to explain this?

Eugenics Rubicon – challenges of constructing datasets
Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement – curated content
Quipu Project Incredibly beautiful and moving way of capturing and presenting oral testimony with community

You Have No Right: Law and Justice in Virginia an Omeka project
Not all things digital but some maps Sterilization Sites in the US  and European countries that sterilize trans people and India’s history of sterilization

Cautionary, older uses of data viz by eugenicists remind us of important ethical issue of removing the “people”

Some different ways of thinking about representing oral history transcripts and hot off the blogosphere just today, fabulous example of using NLP to arrange collections

Final thought We don’t need new tools, but need to use tools that exist better,
If you can figure it out in an hour it probably isn’t deep enough to hang a history on.

digital historiography attempts

digital publications