Digital Historical Practices,” Journal of Women’s History 33, no 2, Summer 2021.

With Kent K. Chang, “Feminist Bestsellers:  A Digital History of 1970s Feminism” Journal of Cultural Analytics, April 20, 2021.

“Roundtable on Ian Milligan, History in the Age of Abundance: How the Web is Transforming Historical Research American Historical Review, 125 no.4 (2020): 1337–1346.

The Endless Night of Wikipedia’s Notable Woman ProblemBoundary 2, August 2018.

Feminist Research Practices and Digital ArchivesAustralian Feminist Studies, Volume 32 (2017): 186-201.

Network Analysis and Feminist ArtistsArtl@s Bulletin, Volume 6, Issue 3, December 2017.

Arguing with Digital History working group, “Digital History and Argument,” white paper, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (November 13, 2017).

Revisiting “A Kind of Memo” from Casey Hayden and Mary King (1965), Women and Social Movements,  21, 1 (March 2017).

Under this name she is fitly described”: A Digital History of Gender in the History of Woman Suffrage,  Women and Social Movements, 19,  1, March 2015

Unghosting Apparitional Lesbian Histories, a scalar project, Ada, issue #4, June 2014

How Did the Los Angeles Woman’s Building Keep Feminism Alive, 1970-1991? Women and Social Movements, 12(1) March 2008.



Digital Humanities Blogging

Digital History and Historical Argumentation, July 25, 2017, selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now.

How Digitized Changed Historical Research, August 2016, selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now.

Ethics and Digital History, Organization of American Historians, May 2016.

Digital Analysis of Feminist Art Manifestos, College Art Association, February 4, 2016, selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now

Wikipedia’s Notable Women Problem, March 9, 2016 selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now

Beyond Citations, the Historian’s Altmetrics (selected by LSE Impact Blog, selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now)

Corpus Analysis of Women’s Liberation Movement Periodicals,  (video preliminary results at Bryn Mawr 2013, presentation, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians 2014)

Generating Oral History Metadata Digitally

A Digital History of the History of Woman Suffrage,  selected Editors’ Choice Digital Humanities Now, October 28, 2014.

Visualizing Schneemannn American Art History and Digital Scholarship: New Avenues of Exploration, November 15, 2013 (video),  selected Editor’s Choice, Digital Humanities Now.